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Spiritual Emphasis Week 2023 is here!

On Monday through Wednesday, Sept. 25-27, NRCA will modify the daily routine to set apart special times to come together to study the Word and worship. Marquise Cox, pastor and speaker, will share messages with middle and high school students at services held during the school day. NRCA will also host services on Monday and Tuesday nights at 7:00, open to the entire NRCA community.

Cox, the Young Adult Pastor at Community Bible Church in San Antonio, Texas, is a nationally known leader and communicator with a passion for inspiring both students and adults to pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus.

“Marquise Cox is not only a fantastic communicator, but more importantly, his love for Jesus permeates his messages every time he speaks. He has such a heart for students to gain a greater understanding of both the way that Jesus loves and cares for them and how he has called us to live a life of surrender to him,” said NRCA Campus Life Director Josh Leonard. “His time with our students will not only be a time of encouragement in their walks with Jesus but will also challenge them to think deeper about the rhythms of their lives and how they can serve Jesus in their day-to-day.”

Leading worship during Spiritual Emphasis Week (SEW) is Blake Goss, who also led worship last year. Goss is the Worship Director at NewSpring Church in South Carolina.

“Blake and his band do an incredible job at building relationships with our students, taking the time to meet and speak with them in between services throughout the week. They also offer their time to speak into the lives of our students in the Chapel Praise Band, talking through the best ways to lead others in worship, encouraging them while providing valuable wisdom for them to use throughout the rest of the year,” Leonard said.

Evening sessions during SEW bring together the whole NRCA community. Parents, pastors, staff, and students worshipping together presents one of the most beautiful pictures of the Body of Christ that NRCA sees during the school year.

Without strict time restraints that happen during the school day, evening sessions allow greater time for follow-up ministry. “These evening services also allow for our students to meet and pray with staff members and local pastors who attend and provide great wisdom and direction in conversations following the service,” Leonard said.

The goal of SEW is to see conversations begin and lives change. Leonard shared his hope for the days of intentional Bible study and worship: “It is the greatest highlight of every year when we hear of students who make decisions to surrender their lives to Jesus. I pray that our students who do not know him come to know him this week and that those who are following Jesus are encouraged in their walks with him.”

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