Welcome, NRCA Alumni!
In our roles serving the Alumni Association we have the opportunity to celebrate the many ways our graduates are impacting their society for Christ. Virtually every major profession has an NRCA alum doing great things. It is truly an honor to see the many ways our alumni are leading their fields.
No matter how many years it's been since you walked the halls of NRCA as a student, we want you to know you are an honored part of our community. In that spirit, we are working to stay in touch. So, if you are an NRCA alum and do not hear from us, we would love to reconnect. We are excited about the Alumni Association's continued growth and look forward to creating more ways for you to connect with each other and NRCA.
If you have questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us via email or phone anytime. It is our privilege to connect with you. It is our joy to serve the entire NRCA alumni community.

Mr. Devon Corey
(919) 573-7900, x7991
Ms. Tiffany Benson
(919) 573-7900, x7977

Alumni Benefits
Graduating from NRCA has benefits beyond a diploma and a heart full of memories. Here are a few of the ways NRCA works to honor our alumni:

Legacy Student NRCA Tuition Discount

25% discount on tuition and fees per student, regardless of the number of students enrolled.

Free NRCA Event

Free NRCA Event Admission
Free admission to home athletic events, excluding tournaments and playoffs

Reunions at Angus Barn Pavilion

Reunions at Angus Barn Pavilion
Annual celebrations at five years, ten years, and every decade beyond graduation

Is there a chance that the last known information we have for you is the profile that appeared in the Senior Book? Has your mailing address or email address changed? Have we lost touch?
If so, please consider reconnecting. Using the link below, let us know what’s changed and where you are now.
Help us reach other alumni whose contact information might be outdated too. Please share the link with any NRCA alumni friends who need to reconnect.

Alumni Association
OUR MISSION: The Alumni Association is a service organization that helps alumni stay connected, get together, get involved, and give back.
OUR PURPOSE: The purpose of the Alumni Association is to advance the mission, vision, and core values of NRCA; maintain a vibrant and constructive dialogue between the alumni and the school; foster and maintain lasting relationships among alumni; and honor NRCA faculty and staff for their commitment to the development of the alumni.
Worthy Servants
The annual Worthy Servants Campaign allows alumni to give back to those faculty and staff members who made an impact on their lives. The campaign has two parts: the Worthy Servants Fund and the Worthy Servants Award.
Worthy Servants Fund
Donations to the Worthy Servants Fund allow NRCA alumni to bless current faculty and staff through monetary donations and words of encouragement. All money donated to the fund is used to bless the current staff at NRCA, typically in the form of gifts presented at the end-of-year luncheon.
The Worthy Servants Fund also collects and distributes notes of gratitude and encouragement to past and present staff members who made a lasting impact on their students’ lives.
Please prayerfully consider supporting the NRCA Alumni Association’s Worthy Servants Fund through either a monetary donation or a written note of encouragement to a staff member (past or present) who made an impact on your life.