School Core Values
As NRCA endeavors to fulfill its mission and realize its vision, our ministry is characterized by the following commitments:
1. Truth: Scripture is the revealed Word of God and is taught as truth, which is then integrated into the learning experience. Students are taught that the Ends priorities are:
All truth is God’s truth.
They are created in the image of God.
They must confront the issue of sin and redemption.
They can know God as revealed in Christ and made present through the Holy Spirit.
They can have a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.
They can live honestly and responsibly.
They can fulfill God’s plan for their lives.
2. Intellectual Development: The Christian mind should be the best mind, enlightened by the mind of Christ and one that integrates God’s principles with academic pursuits. The Ends priorities are to develop students with a biblical worldview who are well prepared in all academic disciplines with an emphasis on:
Accurately interpreting the Word of God.
Mastering communication skills.
Showing proficiency in mathematics and science.
Understanding history and God’s role in it.
Appreciating literature and the arts.
Reasoning and thinking critically.
Finding, analyzing, evaluating, and appropriately using information.
Integrating faith and learning in all academic disciplines.
Developing innovative curriculum and programs.
Teaching Bible as an essential core subject in the academic curriculum.
3. Christian Leadership: The Board of Governors, Superintendent, administration, faculty, and staff shall be committed follows of Christ, teaching and leading from a biblically integrated perspective. The Ends priorities of those engaged with the school’s governance, leadership, and teaching will be to:
Model Christ in their teaching and leading.
Reflect and support the school’s mission and core values.
Understand and focus on achieving the school’s vision and expected outcomes.
Exhibit love, justice, humility, and service throughout the community.
Implement in all cultural contexts a thoroughly biblical philosophy of education.
Reflect a Christ-like sensitivity relevant to a diverse school community.
4. Potential In Christ: Every learning experience aims to enable students to reach their full potential in Christ. End priorities will focus teaching on:
Providing programs and services appropriate for the student.
Establishing awareness of the student’s relationship and responsibility to society.
Developing students intellectually, spiritually, socially, emotionally, and physically.
Making disciples.
Preparing for works of service.
Developing an eternal view of life.
Thinking and processing information in the context of a biblical worldview.
5. Operational Integrity: The school’s day-to-day operational practices are a consistent model of integrity, efficiency, and accountability. End priorities of biblical values are consistently implemented as the school:
Reflects the high road to policy development and accountability in governance.
Manages people resources ethically and justly.
Manages and monitors school finances with integrity and disclosure.
Conducts straightforward Christ-like relations with the government and its agencies.
Creates ethical strategies in business, development, marketing, and personnel.
Conducts fair and consistent classroom management.
Reflects honesty, openness, and fairness in parent relations.
Maintains high academic standards with internal and external evaluation.
Initiates a plan of consistent evaluation and assessment for continuous improvement.