Sherie Kemp-Bruce, RN, is the school nurse and Nurse Aide I program coordinator and Nurse Aide 1 instructor at NRCA. Kemp-Bruce graduated from Purdue University and has 30+ years of experience as an RN in various fields of nursing. She began her nursing career as a nursing assistant in high school and continued to work as a nursing assistant through college. She has had a variety of opportunities in her work history, including Director of Nursing at a psychiatric hospital, Director of Nursing in nursing homes, developed and is president of her own consulting business (Nurse Angel Consulting, Inc.), working with lawyers as a medical legal expert, and teaching Nurse Aide classes for over 10 years. She recently was the Coordinator for Occupational Healthcare for Vance-Granville Community College. Kemp-Bruce is married and is the mother of four beautiful daughters. She attends Wake Forest Presbyterian Church, where she and her husband are charter members. She is blessed to have the opportunity to care for the needs of the NRCA family. Please feel free to contact her if you have any questions or concerns.
When to keep your child home from school
ILLNESS: For the well-being and health consideration of all our students and staff, parents are asked to keep home any student with fevers and contagious illnesses. Students need a signed note from the parent stating the reason for missing school. It is a policy that a student must stay home with a fever (24 hours fever-free without the use of medication like Motrin, Aspirin, Tylenol, etc.), vomiting (24 hours free), flu symptoms, diarrhea, colored nasal discharge, persistent cough, strep throat (24 hours on medication), or pinkeye (24 hours on medication).
Medications Standard
All medications, including over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, administered by school personnel during school hours must be prescribed by a licensed health care provider and have a physician’s signature as well as a parent/legal guardian’s permission which will be documented via signatures on the appropriate authorization forms. (General Statutes of North Carolina Chapter 115C-307 and 115C-375.1).
Meet NRCA's School Nurse