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NRCA Parents, 


I pray that you all have had a relaxing summer full of incredible memories made with your students. We are so excited to have our students back on campus with us for this upcoming school year. The Lord has continued to be gracious to us as we have spent this summer preparing for all that is to come this year. 


This school year’s theme will center on the concept of being “Fully Known,” specifically the way our Creator FULLY knows us and loves us even still. As we walk through our Chapel series throughout this year, we will continue to come back to this understanding of the unconditional love of our Savior and the ways in which we are called to live out of that love. We will engage in conversations surrounding discipleship-centered relationships with one another as well as our own individual apprenticeship to Jesus. Our hope is that the Chapel series throughout this year will foster a deeper love for Jesus in the hearts of our students and a greater understanding of their call to love those in our community. 


In addition, our desire is that these Chapel series are not simply a weekly meeting for our students; but rather that they serve as a launching point into further discussions with their peers and their families. To that end, NRCA wants to partner with you in providing a brief understanding of each series throughout the year, as well as some questions you may find useful in starting those conversations with your students. I will send an email to you prior to the start of each series that will include the series topic, a weekly breakdown of the general concept being discussed, and some questions to help begin your conversations.  


In Colossians 2:7, Paul writes to the church and says: “Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” These questions will be called “Rooted Rhythms” as they look to foster rhythms of thought and action that are rooted in the truth of God’s Word. Our prayer is that these discussions will provide space for you to connect with your students as you seek to go deeper in their understanding of how to live out of those truths. 


If there is ever anything I can do for you or your family, please do not hesitate to reach out and let me know. Praying for you as we work together to point our students to Jesus! 

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